Let’s start a new category: It’s CoverTime!!!
The first topic of this category is ’80s versus ’90s……
In the beautiful cover for the last issue of ChemElectroChem the Spanish group headed by Ibon Odriozola decided to use He-Man (aka Violoman) as a powerful chemist. In the ’80s favorite cartoon Skeleton this time become Skelectrode. Kudos for the use of comic sans, this so many time abused font, here is used properly. What else should I say? FOR THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!!!!!!
I can see a small tear in your eye, chemists born in the ’80s…. Here you go: watch the trailer of the awful movie “Master of the Universe”:
Naturally all of you know that Dolph has a master degree in chemical engineering…..
Second cover of the day, and this time for the chemists born in the ’90s:
This cover of Chemistry A European Journal was designed by an Italian group headed by Marcella Bonchio. Why using a poké ball for a chemistry cover? That’s because you didn’t know that pokemon is the acronym of POlyoxometalate CHEmistry for Molecular Nanoscience. How genius? Funny things is that there are waaaaay more than only 151 polyoxometalate…. Gotta catch’em all!!!!
As I’ve used a video for the ’80s I should use one for the ’90s as well….
and I’ll leave you with this image:
since now on, you will never manage to say pKa without thinking of Pika Pika Pilachu… You’re welcome :D
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