Another year, another ISMSC (International Symposium of Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry). After two years of stop I finally went back to one of my favorite conference, this year in Strasbourg. As always, here you will not find anything scientifically relevant (it was amazing as always), but just some random facts. And no, no video this year (for ISMSC 2012 New Zealand – The Lord of the Posters see here: trailer, part I and part II).
In a city that is half german and half french the only thing you can do is singing Die Straße en rose. The city welcomed us with a temperature that ranged from 35C to 120C, few of us developed gills for breathing in a close to 100% humidity weather, showing an impressive survival skill. Some of us melted away during the conference and come back in water bottles, and the rest of us, the ones with more than 25 fat percentage (like your lovely) started frying. It is kind of weird being in the sun and start hearing the classical frying noise coming from your skin. But the smell of bacon was amazing.
My hotel was in this lovely street. And no, before you ask, I didn’t met any. Historical and geographical fun: there is even a city called Bitche (safe for work link, come on guys, I’m not THAT bad) and the surrounding called Pays de Bitche. Any guess how the inhabitants are called?
The conference centre, knowing that the chemists were coming, hanged this amazing piece of art in the room. Apparently everyone knows we are fools….. In the drawing you can also see Miley Cyrus and her wrecking ball.
Poster tubes have beer around for a while, but only when you are in France you realize they are perfect baguette holder. And when you open the tube and that amazing bread smell is coming out…..
During the 5 days of conference, I had a very balanced diet consisting of 50% pain au chocolat and 50% macarons. Healthy? I think so, after all it was balanced.
Found this near the place of the Gala Dinner. Show me some self-love! It is also kind of ironic coming from a street called Rue the Bitche….
Those birds were also walking all over the Gala Dinner place. When, later in the night, they serve you some meat that seems duck but not quite, then you start wondering…
For the first time (for me) I had a video poster. Cheap (35€) chinese tablet taped on the poster and video on loop. Et voila’ some fancy microfluidic devices.
As this year I was presenting some microfluidic devices, I did some microfluidic business card. Few selected people now have this nice microfludic device on their desk (or in a closed drawer, or in that trash can). What? how did I do this? Well you still have to wait few weeks, and keep on eye on the Advanced Science ASAP :)
Then after 5 days, 3 (or 4) new collaborations, a lot of fun and two kind of massive hangovers, it is time to go back home. With a “bombardier”……
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